Ruby is the most durable of the colored gemstones, but its longevity also depends on how you take care of it. A few basic rituals can help you with the maintenance of its luster, shine, and beauty. What do you think about how affluent people have displayed their rubies for generations? Just some good habits in regard to their jewelry pieces will save them for years to come.
Rubies score 8.5 - 10 on the Mohs scale, which makes them highly resistant to scratches and scuffs. They are not easy to break, either. They can be just a step below diamonds, so a diamond is the only stone that has the ability to scratch it. All of this makes ruby a great choice for daily wear.
Radiant Ruby Jewelry: Unveil Timeless Elegance and Passionate Red
Cleaning of Ruby at Home
Indeed, ruby is a durable and hard stone, still requires proper love and care to keep it looking it’s best. Remember, regular cleaning and proper care will help in maintaining the beauty and longevity of your ruby earrings, necklace, bracelets, and rings as they were when your wore them for the first time.
Cleaning is essential : Soaking your precious ruby overnight or for a long time in soapy or detergent water isn’t needed at all. The best way is to clean it with lukewarm soapy water, a soft bristled tooth brush, or soapy cloth for gentle scrubbing.
Avoid Harsh Chemicals : Harsh chemicals like acetone, alcohol, or thinner and soaking the stone in these chemical can be harmful, especially if the stone is treated or enhanced.
Avoid Heart and Extreme Conditions : Keep your ruby away from direct sunlight or high temperatures as they can cause damage to your stone.
Ultrasonic and Steam Cleaners : It generally advisable to avoid using ultrasonic and steam cleaners due to intense heat and vibrations generated during the cleaning process which can cause fracture to your beautiful stone.
NOTE :- If the stone has fracture filling, cavity filling, or dyed material, clean it once a month by using a damp cloth.
Caring of Ruby Jewelry

Follow these common practices that are effective to keep your ruby jewelry safe.
You must avoid wearing your exquisite Ruby Jewelry while doing household chores, especially dish washing and activities like gardening and sports.
Take care while applying lotions, perfumes, or any other chemical filled cosmetics as foreign matter can accumulate on the ruby’s surface, giving it a cloudy appearance.
Keep a frequent check on your jewelry to ensure that stones are securely placed on the metal. If they seem even slightly lost, take them to the jeweler.
Avoid its exposure to extreme temperatures. Excessive heat and excessive cold can both be damaging to the stone.
Treatment and Durability Considerations
Whether your ruby is treated or untreated, both are going to be durable enough. You need to be careful in the case of shallow treated color penetration. Any little damage or repair can remove the color. Fracture filled rubies are filled with high lead content, which can be damaged on exposure to harsh chemicals, including lemon juice. Rubies with lead glass filling require more care than untreated or other treated rubies.
Store your Ruby Safe
Separate Storage : You should store rubies separately in envelopes, pouches, or well-protected boxes.
Ruby has hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale, still rubies are not as hard as Diamonds. Diamond Jewelry can scratch your other gemstone jewelry so, try to keep your ruby jewelry in a separate jewelry box.
Avoid Moisture : You must keep your ruby jewelry away from moisture as it can potentially damage your stone. Store your jewelry in a cool and dry place and avoid exposing it to extreme humidity.
Regular Inspections : It’s important to do regular inspections of your ruby jewelry. If you notice ant issues like loose stone or weakened prongs, have them repaired by the professional jeweler.
Parting Note
Rubies are exceptionally beautiful, and with little effort, you can save their sparkle for a lifetime. We have covered various aspects of ruby gemstones and Ruby Jewelry that help you to extend the lifespan of your ruby jewelry.
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