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Keeping your precious Opal Jewelry safe and secure is essential to increase its shelf life and let the stone offer an immense amount of shine and reflect back light. The colorful Opal lets you express yourself and it will be giving you all the good reasons to showcase your royal status for a long while. It’s easy to take care of Opal, all you need is some knowledge of it. Though, if you aren’t careful while handling your Opal, it will be giving you a real tough pill. There are a number of care tips that are flooded over the internet but here we will discuss only what experts have to communicate to you, to help you preserve your prized possession for a long period of time.

Key Care Tips :

Key Care Tips

By taking proper care of your opal jewelry you can preserve them for years to come.

Here are some points to consider -

  • Do Avoid Rapid Temperature Change

    You must take care that your opal shouldn’t be taken straight away from a normal room temperature to a frizzy night or a sizzling sunlight as Opal is extremely sensitive to swift changes in temperature. Sunlight is not going to do any good to your precious Opal. You need to understand the fact, it will be harming your stone badly. The content of this mineral stone is 20-30% made up of H2O, which can get evaporated and the original type of the stone gets lost. It will look dull and would not be reflecting the light with shine as it usually did earlier.

    Note : - Your Fire Opal Ring needs to be kept away from sunlight as Fire Opal is sensitive to extreme heat which can fade the color or cause damage to the stone.

  • Careful With The H2O

    Every time you wear your aesthetic ring for a party or event. You need to clean it up after getting back from the party. It will help you to maintain the quality of the Opal and you will be able to wear it for a longer period of time. The process of cleaning is essential. You need to use warm water and a mild soap combination. The combination of warm water and mild soap should be made in a bowl and your jewelry should rest in for a good 5 minutes, later use a soft bristle brush to clean it all and wash it under the freshwater to get rid of any possible dirt.

    Please note, avoid using hot water as it is not recommended for any jewelry.

    Keeping Opal Jewelry in H2O for a prolonged period of time can cause damage to the stone.

  • Securely Place Each of Your Opal Jewelry in Separate Jewelry Box

    Your Opal Necklace needs to be placed in a specific jewelry box and should not be left in a cluster of pieces of jewelry. Such ignorance will cause scratches and will loose it’s play of color. The thing that is to be noted is the inside of the box, it has to be soft cloth preferably padded from every corner with a few drop of water, it will help to maintain the moisture of the Opal pendant and to keep it in excellent condition.

  • Always wear your Jewelry after You have applied make-up and body mist

    It is the way celebrities and big banners keep their jewel the same way for long intervals. First get your make-up, hair-do, dress up and everything that is essentially done and then go for the jewelry. It will not get exposure to your products which can certainly harm it and worsen the condition of your precious jewelry. It is necessary to protect your jewelry from chemicals and products to maintain it’s natural form.

  • Try to keep it away from Harsh Chemicals

    Opal men’s rings and every other jewelry have to be kept away from harsh chemicals. The detergents, hair color, bleaching agents, harsh soap, and any other form of product that has chemicals should be kept strictly away from your precious Opal. These can adversely harm your stone and can degrade the overall presence of your jewelry.

  • Keep a check over your Jewelry at Regular Intervals

    The Opal Jewelry is the one such possession that is adored by men and women, keeping it in the right condition is the responsibility of every owner. You need to keep a steady watch and preserve the beauty of your jewelry every 6 months. If it is party wear, you need to check it and ensure that it’s in good condition, safe within the jewelry box.

  • Never Wear Opal Jewelry while indulging in physical activities

    Never Wear Opal Jewelry while indulging in physical activities

    Don’t wear Opal Jewelry while playing sports or gardening as it can accidentally cause damage. If a ball gets hit to the stone it might cause a crack or simply the dirt can marred the stone. You may get amazed but wearing jewelry while sleeping is unsafe too as we move around a lot while sleeping by our body weight or by hitting a hard surface the stone might get damaged.

  • Do Not Oil - Australian Opals will be okay

    Opal is one of a kind gemstone that need special care to preserve it’s beauty. In general, opals are kept away from oil as they are extremely porous and oil can affect the play of color and overall appearance of the stone. On the other hand, solid Australian Opals are resistant to oil, they are comparatively less porous than other opals.

    Avoid wearing Opal Jewelry while applying face cream, perfume, or hairsprays as it can build grime and more likely to make the stone unsightly.

  • Avoid Knocking or Scraping the Opal Stone

    Opal is relatively a delicate gemstone compared to other gemstones like diamond or sapphires. The hardness of a opal varies from 5.5 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale which is approximately same hardness as of a glass. To prevent damage to your vibrant beauty it’s important to make sure that, you avoid activities which could bang the stone to any hard surface.

    We trust that this guide has provided you valuable information about tips to care for opal jewelry. By following these easy steps we can assure you that your precious gem will maintain its shine for a prolonged duration. Stay Tuned! We’ll be back with more of such interesting and informative jewelry care blogs.

Rosec Jewels