Sapphire and Emerald are the two of the most precious and popular gemstones in the market. Both the gemstones have their quality and uniqueness. But if you get a choice to choose only one, which gem will you go with?

See a gemstone plays a very important role when you adorn a ring as it reflects the wearer’s personality. So, discussing on this topic brings out a confusion in choosing between emerald vs sapphire stone for your ring. Both the stones are beautiful and have unique properties but which one is the best for you, will discover in this blog.

Before moving forward, let’s discuss first…

Let’s See The Differences Between Them

Comparison Basis: Emerald Gemstone  Sapphire Gemstone 
Color The high quality emerald always display a bluish-green hue. The best quality sapphire shows most popular colors like blue, yellow, white, pink, and salmon (pardpadcha).
Symbolism Emerald represents rebirth, abundance, and piece. Sapphire represents royalty, romance, and luxury.
Clarity Emerald has flaws and inclusions that are visible with naked eyes. Flaws such as liquides and gases are common to be found in sapphire
Hardness Emerald score 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale which shows this gem is fairly durable. Sapphire score 9 out of 10 on the Mohs scale which shows this gem is very strong.
Popularity Extremely in demand around the world. Frequently seen on celebrities but a popular choice for wedding.
Origin They are extracted globally, however, a significant portion of the global production originates from Colombia, Brazil, and Zambia. The sapphire deposits can be found worldwide, such as in Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Montana, and Myanmar.
Affordability Untreated and natural emeralds are even rarer than diamonds and hence very expensive. When it comes to price factor, natural and good quality sapphires are more expensive than emeralds.
Treatments Untreated emeralds are highly rare and difficult to locate. The majority of emeralds are subjected to treatments such as oiling or filling to enhance clarity, color, and structural strength. Sapphires undergo heat treatments to enhance color or clarity, with diffusion and irradiation being other common treatment methods for these gems.
Value The price of a good quality emeralds can start from $5,000 per carat. The price of fine-quality sapphires can also go beyond $10,000 per carat.
Compositions Emerald, a type of beryl, obtains its vivid green color from small amounts of chromium it contains. Sapphire belongs to the corundum mineral family and comprises aluminum and oxygen.
Rarity Emeralds are among the rarest of all gemstones. They are even rarer than sapphires. Untreated sapphires are highly scarce, particularly Padparadscha sapphires and Kashmir's velvety blue sapphires (with Padparadscha being the rarest), making them some of the most rare colored gemstones globally.
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Which One Will You Choose Emerald Or Sapphire?

Emerald gemstones, known for their vibrant green color, are associated with the ideal wearer born under the Taurus and Gemini zodiac signs. Emeralds are the birthstone of May and they are thought to amplify the traits of these signs like their appreciation for luxury, practicality, curiosity, and desire for stability.

On the other hand, Sapphire is considered to be a stone of honesty and is popularly valued for resolving any financial and money-related concern quickly and effectively that an individual is facing. Sapphire is the birthstone of September and those who are born under the astrological signs of Gemini, Virgo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Capricorn are the ideal wearers of sapphire stones.

So, as both stones have their unique quality and properties, which one do you decide to choose?

Final Thoughts

As we have discussed in this blog about emerald vs sapphire differences, you can now easily decide which one you will pick. Both emerald and sapphire are durable gemstones and their Mohs scale rating shows that both are hard enough to wear adorn on daily basis.

As both the stones has its own ideal wearer and benefits which will help you choosing accordingly. So, what you have decided?

Rosec Jewels
Taggué: Gemstones